Thanksgiving provides an opportunity to stop and focus on all your blessings. Whether your table is set with a traditional feast of turkey and all the trimmings or whether you view it as a day like any other, I hope you take a moment to think about what you're grateful for.
The other day a co-worker received a text that a co-worker at her other job passed away. "He was younger than me! I just sat next to him at a staff meeting last week!" she said. Experiences like these are reminders that our days aren't guaranteed. We might not make it to next Thanksgiving. What can we do to ensure each day we do get is a happy one?
Many studies (and common sense) prove that gratitude is a key happiness strategy. Whether you write in a gratitude journal, send thank you notes, say prayers of thanksgiving, or just think about what you're grateful for from time to time, being thankful will make you happier.
A friend gifted me with The Mindfulness Journal, which I started last week on my 42nd birthday. The first week's emphasis is on daily gratitude. These journal prompts might be a great way to help you cultivate an attitude of gratitude:
I reflect on the people in my life who have made me feel loved and supported. I feel grateful for...
I am mindful of the strengths, skills, and aptitudes I possess that have helped me become who I am. I feel grateful for...
I remember all the mentors who have shown me the way and inspired me. I feel grateful for...
I am mindful of the home I live in and how it provides a safe and peaceful haven for me and my family. I feel grateful for...
I consider the work I do in a career or at home, and how it impacts my life and well-being. I feel grateful for...
I am mindful of the beauty of nature, of all living creatures, and the world around me. I feel grateful for...
I reflect on all of the lessons I have learned in life so far, and how they have helped me grow and evolve. I feel grateful for...
We can all find plenty to complain about. But we can find even more to celebrate. Regardless of what day of the year you come across this post, take a few moments to be grateful.
Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash