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Get to it

List the things you have to do. How inspiring is your list?

I have to get up. I have to make my bed.

I have to take my daughter to school.

I have to go to work.

I have to call that client.

I have to go to the doctor.

Now replace "have to" with "get to." A little more inspired?

I get to get up. I get to make my bed.

I get to take my daughter to school.

I get to go to work.

I get to call that client.

I get to go to the doctor.

This tiny change can have a large impact. It puts every chore, task and obligation in a different light, doesn't it? Changing one word can lead to feelings of gratitude, of recognition of the choice we have, or of excitement.

I get to take my daughter to school. How lucky I am that we have this time together each morning. How fantastic that she likes school. How fortunate we are to live in a good school district.

Change your language, change your life.

Now get to it.


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