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Mind your own business

There's a crack in my husband's phone screen. Or maybe just the screen protector. We're not sure how or when it happened. It's been that way for maybe a month.

Total bummer, right?

Well, a nuisance, definitely. But in the realm of life, it's not that big a deal.

Yet every time I see the screen, I get annoyed. Why hasn't he gotten it fixed yet? Am I going to have to handle this for him?

No. I don't have to do anything. It's his phone screen. His. Not mine. So it's his problem. I can certainly help if he asks for it. But this is on his list. I have enough on my own. Besides, and perhaps most importantly, it's really none of my business.

This is a small example, but I've definitely gotten into the habit over the past several years of feeling as if I need to solve everything, as if it's all on my list, as if things won't be right unless I step in.

And more often than not, me stepping in causes resentment (in me or in other people). Or leads to people being even more dependent on me. It's a vicious cycle. I don't always make it better.

I often make it worse.

Talking to my friends, I know I'm not the only one.

If you can relate to this, it might just be time to mind your own business.


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